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Welcome Everyone: More Inclusive Names Reflect More Inclusive Communities

Kristine Metter, MS, CAE

I just read in Associations Now about the International Coach Federation changing its name to the International Coaching Federation. The move was designed to be more inclusive of all who provide coaching services. Similarly, the American Association of Anatomists became the American Association for Anatomy last year. This name change was also designed to reflect the broader array of people who care about the field of anatomy.

I wasn’t part of either of these name changes, but I did get to help lead the process of changing an association’s name about seven years ago. We went from the National Association of Public Hospitals to America’s Essential Hospitals. While this was a more substantial name change, the premise was the same – welcome all those with a desire to support the association’s mission.

How can we as association executives think comprehensively about professions and industries instead of restrictive categories of people or businesses? How can we make that tent larger and more welcoming? By thinking about what we want to achieve as a collective, we will become a community that draws on the best everyone has to offer. And that will help us stay true to our missions.


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